What to Expect

Chronic wounds can be scary, and we understand that. At its heart, wound management as a practice is not focused on just the wound, but the patient on which it resides—including their other medical conditions, medications, and habits like smoking or sitting in one position too often.

A patient’s first visit to the clinic will typically involve gathering a lot of information, from a complete medication list and a discussion of how certain medical conditions are being managed or have been managed in the past. Sometimes, taking a sample of blood or performing certain imaging tests must be done before any other procedures can be performed. Depending on which other conditions may be contributing, we may refer you to one of our network of physicians for further workup.

Once we have determined the reason for the wound, our practitioners will review the interventions that we can offer. Oftentimes, this may include certain dressings, antibiotics, changes in your medications, or routine debridement.

Ultimately, our goal is the same: durable healing and confidence in your health and wellness.

Because our first visit can be so busy, we ask that you arrive thirty (30) minutes prior to your appointment, so we can complete any vital paperwork before meeting your practitioner.

Wound Care Referral

Patient Intake Forms